Sunday, July 02, 2006

Extract from the Article:

“Teens wear their hearts on their blog” By Janet Kornblum, USA TODAY

Welcome to teen America — on display at your nearest computer.
“Unprecedented numbers of teens are using blogs — Web logs — to do what they once did through personal diaries, phone conversations and hangout sessions: cementing friendships with classmates, seeking new friends, venting, testing social limits, getting support and getting all emo ("highly emotional" in blog-speak).”

Answer the following question before you read the article

What do you think the text is about?

a) Teens express their love through the internet

b) What are blogs?

c) The different uses of blogs among teens

Click here to read the complete article

Questions related to the article:


1. Pay attention to the structure used in the text: Should/ Shouldn’t.

2. What is the structure that follows this modal?

3. Look for some examples in the text, copy and paste in the answer sheet.

After the reading the complete article,

Do the following activities given in the answer sheet

Complete the following chart using specific information from the text

Read the following cases an give an advice, using should/ shouldn’t

Write a paragraph giving your personal opinion on what you should or shouldn’t do about the topic exposed in the article.

Click here to go to the answer sheet activities